Public transportation

2009.03.30. 00:54

Dear Reader,

This is my first entry, in my very first blog. As I mentioned, I'm gonna write all the posts in English, maybe some cases in Hungarian, it depends, in which language I will be able to express myself the most successfull way.

Fresh, new, it's a beginning. No, not a friendship, like the famous last line in movie history. But, I never know, anything can evolve from this. We'll see.

On my journey back home this night - I met with an old friend of mine - I sat on the bus, and I was thinking as always, some say maybe too much. But I don't mind, you've got to keep your mind trained. :) So I was sitting, and thinking, I should write about stuff in English. I always watch movies in English, I have an intermediate language exam in English, and it could be fun. Alright past this, what should I write about. I didn't give much thought, and I came up with the idea, represented in the title.

Everybody who lives in Budapest, or any big city, accept the fact, that it needs public transportation. Helps with the everyday flow, in the city's vain, the traffic, the people. Because if you live in a city, that counts nearly 2 million citizens, than you feel, that if everyone would travel by car, nobody could get nowhere. :) But this is not the main point of this post, because everybody understands this, no question.

The main point is the culture of travelling. I'm not gonna go far, and compare other countries, to us natives, because I don't have the needed knowledge for that. No I'm gonna stay with us. :D Everybody is angry, anxious on the buses, the trams, the underground trains, or any mean of public transportation. I get that it's uncomfortable travelling like fishes in a tin can, but it's not the vechiles' fault. No, the thing that makes it uncomfortable to travel without breaking out in a massmurderer type massacre, are the people on these vechicles. The culture of transportation in people's mind, I don't know, is not existing?

And it's not just the fact that they always get on a bus, when it is already full, just because they can't afford to be late. No, they don't pay attention to a n y o n e. They don't care if they puncture your lungs with their pointy-edged handbags, or breake your foot with their boots. They're just looking out the windows, wathcing the city going by, and they're like sheeps in a field. This is why I always get to a point where I would love to take a longsword, or an axe to their freackin' heads - sorry, I'm a bit of a fantasy buff :) -, and I hate violence. I am, by nature a pretty calm person. But every pretty calm person reaches a breaking point, and all hell breaks loose. :)

One time I was on the tram, and as indicated on the little drawing on the windows, you need to get a grip, while traveling, so if there's a big brake, you won't headbang the window, or the person next to you. So I was standing, listening to music, my stop's coming up. I prepared myself to departure, and then it came... what, you might ask? A big brake, that's what. So I was standing, hold my ground through the brake, and then a fellow from my right side crashed into me. I'm not a heavy guy, my built is nowhere nearly sporty, bit this dude just bounced right off me, like a lazy-eyed fly from the second story window in a windstorm. The story of course needs me to give an acceptable description of this guy. So he was around 50 - 55, the hard Hungarian working class raw male type. You know the kind of person who works with his hands, like an ironworker, or a construction worker. Alright back to the scene, unpause the story. After the impact, he got suprised, how on earth I wasn't on my ass, after this gentle connection. I didn't think he like this fact very much, he also mumbled something under his nose. This was the moment, that flicked the switch in my brain, and bammm, breaking point.

I looked at him, and asked the following: "You got some problem?". Now let's also stop here for a second. If somebody turns to you and ask this, you already know something's up, and you prepare yourself to handle some hostile situation. As the first word of this sentence left my lips, I already knew I shouldn't have opened my mouth. :D My eyes immediately were fixated on the man's knuckle, and I decided that I wouldn't like it very my if my face and the guy's fist would be introduced to each other. :)

But the story has a happy ending, because every story needs one. Like if you want to sell something, a product, or even yourself you need style, character, and confidence. Confidance is important. And my confidence was top notch in this particular case, because the dude didn't say a word, if it's possible he got more suprised. :) That this youngster just stepped up to him.

My only luck was, that we arrived to my stop, so I could disembark, before Ironman Johnny could give me a piece of his mind, or a piece of his asswhoopin' pie that he carries around in his thick boots, and not so gentle hands. :D All is well, I got home safe. :D

Mental note: never ever say things out loud before you think it through. :)

Ok, now this is my first post, feel free to give voice to your opinion, regarding any of the post. Thank you, and good day.



Szerző: Namo

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

ZsiNor · 2009.04.01. 15:15:13

Hey dude!

That was some crazy shit there. I wonder how calm that worker guy was... I know some of this type who would immediatly rais his hands when he hears words like this.
Also the post is nice... Budapest has some real issues about the public transportations. It's never to late to start cycling (with a gasmask). Hehe.
Best wishes for your blog young padavan! Feel the force dwelling within you. :D


Namo 2009.04.01. 15:16:44

Thanks mate. Best wishes. :D

Dorthenas 2009.04.01. 15:39:58

Hey Bros!


As I sad you, this post is a diamond for me! Congratulation!

Anyway the cycling with a gasmask sounds like an extreme sport. I'm sure it will be a tourist sensation :P
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